Time for a Hybrid Health Check?

Most organisations have adopted some form of hybrid workplace strategy following the events of 2020. But how many of us feel that we’re getting it right? Using Audiem’s powerful insights engine you can now process feedback from your employees about your current approach and quickly identify what is and isn’t working.
"About 5% of days were 'work from home' before the pandemic. And now it's about 25 to 30%, and it looks stable.

So we've seen about a five-fold increase."
Nick Bloom
Stanford Economics Professor
From The Workplace Geeks podcast
Nick Bloom
Stanford Economics Professor
From The Workplace Geeks podcast

Why hybrid working insights matter

Unlock potential and remove barriers

Understand what helps your workforce thrive, and perform, and what holds them back

Create an inclusive approach

Understand preferences and drivers. Helping you understand what works for them as individuals

Improve engagement

People who feel heard typically feel more valued, improving talent retention and employee engagement

With Audiem, understand your employee hybrid experiences to balance them with your business performance needs

Easy-to-use templates

Choose from our bank of survey questions tailored to your business needs

Launch your tailored survey

Collect your data over a minimum of two weeks+

Insights unlocked

Receive a virtual presentation by one of Audiem’s insights experts

Dynamic Dashboard

Access your companies’ dashboard for 3 months*

Book a Hybrid Health Check

For a fixed fee of £3,499** you can choose question modules to suit your needs, access your dynamic data dashboard for three months, and receive a headline findings presentation from Audiem’s expert insights team.

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30- day payment terms. We will not present finding until payment has been confirmed.
+Limited to 1000 respondents. For more than 1,000 respondents contact us at hello@audiem.io
*Dashboard limited to 3 users. For more users, contact us.
**Plus VAT

What our clients are saying

Join the growing number of organisations that are using Audiem
The benefit that Audiem can give you is to understand ‘WHY’ staff are feeling the way they are. That’s been really inspiring because it’s the WHY that can help us actually change.
Paul Urmston
Area Workplace Manager, NatWest
Audiem has helped us to quickly identify sentiments for time-poor clients, before engaging wider with their workforce and often without the need to ask anything new! We’ll be exploring how it can also enable us to stay close to how employees feel about their experience as spaces and places adapt and change.
Esme Banks Marr
Strategy Director | Work + Place, BVN Architecture
The Audiem platform has allowed us to design and develop a new way of gathering feedback from our people across the UK giving us greater depth of insight. It has helped us understand the views of our staff with approaches and frustrations considered in the working day which is invaluable for our management teams to allow us to manage workplace experience across the portfolio.
Darren Bryanton
Head of Facilities Management, Virgin Media O2