Take your workplace insights to the next level

To improve working lives, we have to understand them. And that doesn’t come by asking your teams to answer hundreds of questions with agreement scales. Audiem’s powerful analytics engine gives your employees the opportunity to tell their workplace stories in their own words and gives you the opportunity to do something about it.
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I love working from home. It’s been good for my mental health and wellbeing. The only downside has been my slow internet connection...
Total Workplace Experience. Understood.


Move away from two-dimensional agreement scales and unlock the power of free text feedback.


Take thousands of individual stories from your workforce and use Audiem to organise, analyse and synthesise them into actionable insights


Complete flexibility with how, where and when you collect that feedback as well as customisable reports for you and your team.

What our clients are saying

Audiem can be used in a number of ways within HR, Facilities Management and Property teams. What is consistent though is how it allows teams to understand not just what is happening in their organisation, but why?
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The benefit that Audiem can give you is to understand ‘WHY’ staff are feeling the way they are. That’s been really inspiring because it’s the WHY that can help us actually change.
Paul Urmston
Area Workplace Manager, NatWest
Audiem has helped us to quickly identify sentiments for time-poor clients, before engaging wider with their workforce and often without the need to ask anything new! We’ll be exploring how it can also enable us to stay close to how employees feel about their experience as spaces and places adapt and change.
Esme Banks Marr
Strategy Director | Work + Place, BVN Architecture
The Audiem platform has allowed us to design and develop a new way of gathering feedback from our people across the UK giving us greater depth of insight. It has helped us understand the views of our staff with approaches and frustrations considered in the working day which is invaluable for our management teams to allow us to manage workplace experience across the portfolio.
Darren Bryanton
Head of Facilities Management, Virgin Media O2

Book a demo and find out what Audiem will do for you and your team

Actionable Insights

Reveal the headline themes your employees want to highlight about their experience.

Flexible Inputs

Design the feedback capture approach that works for you.

Inclusive Views

Give everyone a voice, not just the loudest person in the room or the leadership team.

Cutting Edge Analytics

Use powerful analytics tools to process thousands of free text responses in a matter of minutes.

Holistic Experience

Use our peer reviewed framework, The Workplace Mix™ to understand the impact of people, space and technology on your business.

Scalable with your organisation

From small projects, to large-scale change programmes, or organisation wide surveys; Audiem is able to scale and adapt with the needs of your organisation.

Recognised as a trailblazer amongst leading industry thinkers

A new approach, built using new technology all underpinned by best practice research and analytics methods. Join the growing number of organisations that are using Audiem to transform their approach to gathering and analysing employee feedback - book a demo now.

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See the full show 

Episode 11

Work, life and long COVID

with Jo Yarker and Kerstin Sailer

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